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Long-Distance Hiking recommended route

Lemmenjoki Gold Trail

Long-Distance Hiking · Lemmenjoki Nationalpark
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Metsähallitus Verified partner 
  • Lemmenjoen kansallispuisto Kultareitillä
    Lemmenjoen kansallispuisto Kultareitillä
    Photo: Kirsi Ukkonen, Metsähallitus


Selected alternatives for you
    Discover the Lemmenjoki River gold culture, enjoy the serenity of the fells, the old pine forests and enchanting river valley landscapes on a few days’ hike in Finland’s largest National Park.
    Distance 45.8 km
    20:00 h
    520 m
    517 m
    500 m
    144 m
    The Gold Trail will take you to Finland’s largest National Park and allow you to discover a gold prospecting tradition which is unique in Europe. The trail leads from the shores of a lush river valley through pine forests dating back hundreds of years all the way to open fells and the legendary Gold Area.

    The trail passes through the key gold prospecting areas in the National Park and shows how gold came to exist at Lemmenjoki River, how it was discovered and forgotten several times, what kind of lifestyle was created around the gold and how gold is extracted from the soil.

    You can start hiking at Kultahamina. In this case, you will arrive at the starting point from Njurgulahti by river boat, passing through the strikingly beautiful river valley that changes from one season to another, from spring to summer, and from summer to autumn. At Lemmenjoki River, each boat trip is a uniquely wonderful and exhilarating experience.

    You can hike to Kultahamina from Njurgulahti along the river valley trail. The riverside trail is in the shade of old, serene pine forests. There are cable boats for crossing at Searitniva and Härkäkoski.

    There are also campfire sites and camping areas, rental and wilderness huts as well as day trip huts on the trail.

    When setting out from Njurgulahti, the trail follows the Lemmenjoki River up to Kultahamina. On the trail, the river must be crossed using a cable boat. There are slight terrain height differences on this trail section.

    Alternatively, you can arrive at Kultahamina by river boat. The long ascent to open fells begins at Kultahamina. In the open fell area, the trail section is relatively easy up to Jäkälä-Äytsi, where the descent and ascent to and from the gorge are extremely steep. The rest of the trail up to Ravadasjärvi is a descending forest trail, but there are height differences in the trail section. The forest sections of the trail are marked with orange paint on trees, and in the treeless fell area, with orange wooden posts.

    Author’s recommendation

    Fall in love with the ancient pine forests of the river valley, learn how the gold prospectors live and relax by listening to the sounds of nature.



    Profile picture of Kirsi Ukkonen
    Kirsi Ukkonen
    Update: August 14, 2019
    Overall difficulty

    Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.

    Highest point
    500 m
    Lowest point
    144 m
    Best time of year

    Track types

    Asphalt 0.19%Path 99.50%Unknown 0.30%
    0.1 km
    45.6 km
    0.1 km
    Show elevation profile

    Safety information

    Those hiking in the Lemmenjoki National Park must be well versed in hiking in the wild. The Lemmenjoki Gold Trail has been clearly marked in the terrain, but, particularly in open fell areas, the weather conditions may occasionally be challenging, and visibility may be poor.

    You must keep a map of the terrain and a compass with you.

    There are dead zones where mobile telephones will not function at all.

    Please note that the descent and ascent to and from Jäkälä-Äytsi are steep and that there may be loose boulders on the trail. This means that this is the most challenging part of the trail.

    Please note that at Pihlajamäki and Jäkälä-Äytsi, the trail passes through active gold prospecting areas. In these areas, it is extremely important to stay on the marked trail, both for your own safety and for the privacy of gold prospectors.

    Tips and suggestions

    More information about Lemmenjoki National Park and the routes at

    More about hiking in Finland 



    68.751415, 26.220393
    68°45'05.1"N 26°13'13.4"E
    35W 468469 7626844
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    Book recommendation by the author

    Author’s map recommendations

    Lemmenjoki vedenkestävä ulkoilukartta, 1:100 000 / 1:50 000, Karttakeskus 2017. Kartan voi ostaa muun muassa Ylä-Lapin luontokeskus Siidasta ja Ivalon palvelupisteestä.

    Geologinen retkeilykartta Lemmenjoki, 1:50 000 ja Opaskirja. Geologian tutkimuskeskus 2002. Kartan voi ostaa muun muassa Ylä-Lapin luontokeskus Siidasta.

    Maastokartat, nrot W431, W433, W434 ja V442, 1:50 000, Maanmittauslaitos 2008 - 2009. Karttoja voi ostaa muun muassa Ylä-Lapin luontokeskus Siidasta, Ivalon palvelupisteestä ja Maanmittauslaitokselta.

    Lemmenjoki, vedenkestävä kartta, 1:25 000 ja 1:100 000, Calazo Förlag 2016. Karttaa myyvät Calazo, Saariselän ja Ivalon palvelupisteet, Ylä-Lapin luontokeskus Siida ja useat alueen yritykset.

    Retkeily GT Pohjois-Suomi, 2016, 1:400 000. Karttoja voi ostaa mm. Karttakeskuksesta ja hyvin varustetuista kirjakaupoista.


    You will needat tleast a goog back bag, gear for sleeping over night in the nature (tent, sleeping bag and matress), suitable clothing for outdoor life anf the season, hikikng boots, rain clothes, dry food for a few days, cooker and gear for cooking. Compass and a map.
    The most beautiful long-distance hikes in Finland

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    Overall difficulty

    Derived from the technical difficulty and the stamina requirements.

    45.8 km
    20:00 h
    520 m
    517 m
    Highest point
    500 m
    Lowest point
    144 m
    Round trip Scenic Cultural/historical interest Geological highlights Summit route 'Healthy climate'

    Weather at the route's trailhead


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