More and more of service providers in our travel region are stepping on the path of Sustainable Travel Finland -programme. Companies within the Arctic Network are committed to do business sustainably. Here you can get an insight to the actions that companies have taken and are planning to do in the future in regards sustainability.
Certified companies in the region

AT Nature
AT Nature is the first company in the Northern Lapland region that has gained the Sustainable Travel Finland Certificate. They are also member of the Finnish ECEAT (European Centre for Ecological and Agricultural Tourism)
* We compost our toilet and food waste. We use the composted substance to grow salads, herbs and decorative plants.
* We buy only renewable energy from the electricity company and we only use well dried wood or briquets in our burg, sauna cottage and activities to minimize the amount of particles.
* In our future plan we have our own solar power plant.
* We support the local ornithological association by giving 5€ on behalf of every guest we host.

Sámi Village
The values of Sámi Village especially include respecting the Inari Sámi language and culture, traditional environments, and livelihoods. We offer the atmosphere, stories, and experiences of an original Sámi village by the shore of Lake Inari in the village of Nellim with quality and responsibility. For us, responsibility means, among other things, the following:
Preserving, maintaining, and communicating Inari Sámi culture, language, and traditions to others. Café Nellim Sámi Village and its surroundings respect the original buildings. We offer local game, fish, and berries for lunch. Cultural performances include traditional drum music and stories. The performance is based on both ancient and modern original melodies and poems. The proceeds from sales are used to continue recording Inari Sámi stories for future generations. Currently, the fifth book in the Inari Sámi language is already in progress.
We respect original environmental values, leave no trace, and inform our customers about biodiversity. We make birdhouses, leave standing deadwood for cavity-nesting birds, and preserve the area in its natural and original state.
We prioritize customer safety. Our guides have relevant first aid training and insurance. The means of transportation are well-maintained, and the equipment, routes, and activities are safe.

Angeli Reindeer Farm
Angeli Reindeer Farm was amongst the first one in Northern Lapland Region to gain the Sustainable Trave Finland certificate. They want to bring sustainability visible with the Green Activities certificate. Green Activities programme is the little sister of the Green Key programme and guides nature entrepreneurs to acknowledge sustainability development and tourism on their trips.
Our family of five are reindeer herders and we live close to nature and aim to be self sufficient. We have an arctic organic garden and our reindeer pasture freely according to the traditional Sámi reindeer herding. My company’s aim from the beginning has been to act sustainably. With all the actions I take I act respectfully towards the nature. We don’t build new for our guests but we let the our guests get to know the authentic home of a reindeer herder family, where the guest learns about the Sámi culture and gets to hear stories about the importance of the natures diversity for the local nature. When filling the Green Activities application I got to have a closer look to our actions. Are the visits unobstructed? Has it been informed on our website? Do you recycle? Can the guest recycle? I came across things that are self-evident to me but I hadn’t told to our guests, on our website or social media. Filling out the certificate gave me keys that I improved our website and ideas to use in our social media. In addition I get to take part in webinars about nature diversity and sustainability.

Wilderness Hotels and Safaris
The first Green Key -hotel chain in Inari-Saariselkä travel region.
We are happy to tell that every Nellim Wilderness Hotels & Safaris destinations have been granted the Green Key – environmental label. We have been taken actions for sustainable travelling for almost two decades. For us it is important that the nature stays clean and diverse also for the future generations. That is why we have always chosen sustainable and ecological materials and adapted the newest technology and developed our actions to fit the needs of future. You can say that alongside of our red thread there has always been a green one next to it.

Holiday Village Valle – UTSJOKI
Sustainable tourism and nature preserving actions is important to us and that is why we are constantly working on the subject and we aim to improve our actions in everything we can. Among other things the following actions are already in practice:
* Our hotel uses geothermal heating
* We make effort to recycle and minimize wastage
* We use local ingredients and local suppliers to prepare our food in our restaurant
* We don’t use disposable cutlery or dishes
* We use LED lights everywhere it is possible
* We respect the nature and waters in every action we take
* We don’t trash or disturb animals

Aurora Village Ivalo
Aurora Village was the first hotel in Northernmost Lapland to receive the valued Green Key – environmental certificate.
With this certificate the management and staff undertake to comply developing sustainable tourism and fulfilling the criteria of the Green Key certificate in everyday actions.
The certificate was granted on the 31st of August 2020.
Aurora Village is also apart of the Business Finland programme “Sustainable Travel Finland”.
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Renniina-Reindeer Family and Workshop – Inari
Sustainability and nature protecting actions is a part of our everyday lives.
Fore example:
* Our reindeer farm uses ecological geothermal heating
* We pay attention to dividing and recycling carbage and we make effort to make as little wastage as possible.
* During our everyday life we aim to use local ingredients as much as possible.
* Growing plants, vegetables, root vegetables or spices we do not use chemically produced fertilizers but naturally produced fertilizers like reindeer excrement.
* We have ceramic tableware and washable cutlery.
* In handicraft we aim to use every small piece carefully.

It has always been important for our company to be at the front row in developing our travel regions services to maintain the attractiveness of our area. We don’t want to compromise our environment and that is why we have joined the Sustainable Travel Finland path and to build an eco compass environment system. Even though our activities include motorized vehicles we aim to act ecologically in our activities and services. We use Kupilka tableware and cutlery instead of disposable ones. Our burg warms up with renewable sources or energy. We will begin to compensate emissions formed from snowmobiling in the following spring. We prevent wastage by planning our open-fire- menus and raising the part of organic and vegetarian ingredients on our outdoor meals. We mainly use local ingredients, self picked berries and mushrooms. We operate year-round. Safety has been a part of our company culture and our company management is still part of the local voluntary rescue service. From our sociocultural sustainability acts you could mention bringing out the local culture and acting by the ethical guidelines and taking part in our local entrepreneur organization. We aim to communicate and make aware our guests of the environmental impacts and issues.
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Star Arctic Hotel
Star Arctic Hotel is internationally awarded environment friendly eco hotel. The beauty of the nature in Lapland is the foundation of our business. We want to cherish the arctic nature and grow the appreciation towards it. In arctic conditions heating and cooling are often the largest emission causes in properties. Already in the building stage we aimed to take in consideration the energy consumption and efficiency and we chose natural and local materials such as wood and stone. We use geothermal heating in our main building and rooms. This form of heating has the lowest carbon dioxide emission readings. In addition the extra heat from the kitchen is used in heating our buildings. You can enjoy a more sustainable way with us to visit the wilderness of Lapland. We offer low emission snowmobiles and fat bikes to do so. Snowmobile tracks are made on old road bases to minimize environmental impacts. Our restaurant menu is build around local ingredients so that we could decrease the carbon foot print of the food we serve. To minimize wastage and to guarantee excellent service we have table service. Star Arctic Hotel has begun cooperation in Visit Finland’s Sustainable Travel Finland programme to develop our sustainability plan and commit to decrease the environmental impacts.
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Visit Inari – Safaris & Accommodation
We are a family company originated from Inari with long traditions. The beginning of our journey was over four decades ago. As a local operator, working sustainably comes from deep within in our values and has been part of us for a long time. Caring about employees, partners, local community, our guests and of course the unique Nordic nature surrounds our family.
Ongoing auditing and recording of our sustainable actions is part of achieving the Green Key certificate and being part of the Sustainable Travel Finland programme. Sustainability is nothing new to us but has been guiding the operations of the company as it develops its actions. A few examples of these kind of actions taken are usage of the hybrid catamaran on Lake Inari since 2011, emphasizing guided activities which ensure safe and sustainable terrain travelling, respecting the local Sámi culture and acting according to the ethical guidelines, collecting bio waste at our restaurant and product and service development towards a more sustainable future.
The main owner and CEO of the company summarizes ” with our actions we want to ensure that our grandchildren are able to enjoy the pure, arctic nature and lively village community.”

Arctic Sky Lapland
The most important values at Arctic Sky are respecting nature and locality. The buildings at Arctic Sky we built by using materials as ecological as possible and keeping energy efficiency in mind. Part of the buildings have been built from recycled logs and we only use LED lighting. We offer food that is produced near and we use ingredients we have collected or caught from nature. We control food waste and we tell about our local food culture to our guests which decreases the amount of wastage. Encouraging our guests to use natural products, to do sustainable choices and to value nature comes naturally from us. We have relinquished the use of disposable tableware and cutlery and we aim to recycle as much wastage as possible. We have chosen ecological washing soaps and such for our guests to use and we have reduced the amount of washing the bedding. Majority of our activities begin from our yard which makes it possible to spend less time in cars and contributes to more time in nature without breaking peace of nature. Our location makes it possible to use public transportation. Our partners are trustworthy local operators. We aim to develop our business even more responsible and environmentally sustainable and that is why we want to be part of the Sustainable Travel Finland programme.
Entrepreneurs Minna Kataja & Aarno Heikkinen
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Saariselkä Ski & Sport Resort
Sustainable solutions are cherished at Saariselkä Ski & Sport Resort.
Saariselkä Ski & Sport Resort utilizes snow fences to make slopes. Almost all snow is collected at the top of the slopes with snow fences alone, and little artillery is needed and this saves energy.
Landscaping compost made at a wastewater treatment plant has been utilized in landscaping the slopes of Saariselkä. With the grass seed mixture developed for the northern climate, it has accelerated the return of nature’s own plants back to the area. The slopes are located right next to the national park. Instead meadows it is desired that the slopes grow mountain feller that is better suited to these landscapes.
Saariselkä Ski & Sport Resort is involved in the Sustainable Travel Finland process. The company has recently achieved several of its long-term sustainability goals. From the beginning of March, a completely fossil-free, Nordic use of energy was introduced. Waste sorting has also started and the resort was joined into the municipal water supply, which is a big step considering the location.
The ski resort has not invested in energy-consuming snowmaking machinery, but has increased the use of snow fences, which is the most ecological way to provide the snow cover for the slopes. Currently the Saariselkä Ski &Sport Resort is tackling fuel emissions. Fuel emissions from maintenance of the slopes, work machines, snowmobiles and cars will be minimized.

Nuorgam Holiday Village
Sustainability has been a cornerstone to Nuorgam Holiday Village´s operations for over 50 years. Life at the northernmost tip of the European Union is based on harmonious coexistence with nature throughout the seasons. Nuorgam Holiday Village has been awarded the Biosphere certification and Sustainable Travel Finland label.
Nuorgam Holiday Village is committed to treating all their guests equally and with respect for individuality, collaborate with local businesses whenever possible and aim at being a genuinely local and cultural destination which is promoting local culture and lifestyle.
Nuorgam Holiday Village

Lapland Hotels Riekonlinna & Lapland Safaris Saariselkä
Lapland hotels and its sister companies were awarded Ecocompass certificate in May 2022. Lapland hotels Riekonlinna and Lapland safaris Saariselkä also have a Sustainable Travel Finland label. Lapland hotels and its sister companies look after their natural surroundings and strive to foster a balanced relationship with nature by protecting the Arctic environment. They continuously develop new, environmentally friendly ways of operating.
Lapland hotels monitor their energy consumption of accommodation services and have adopted several practices that help them to reduce energy consumption. Lapland hotels have charging stations for electric cars for guests to use. Lapland hotels use green electricity that is generated using 100% water, wind or bioenergy. Minimising food wastage at their restaurants is an important part of their sustainability work also.
To Lapland hotels and safaris skilled, engaged, motivated, goal-oriented and satisfied personnel are the key. They invest in good management and measures designed to promote commitment to their operating culture.
Promoting year-round operations creates the foundations for sustainable development – it enables them to create permanent jobs in the long term and thereby contributing to the region’s tax revenue and well-being.
Lapland Hotels Riekonlinna & Lapland Safaris Saariselkä
Youth and Holiday Center Vasatokka
Youth and Holiday Center Vasatokka has a Green Key and Sustainable Travel Finland labels. Their goal is to keep northern nature vital and clean for future generations and to develop Vasatokka by highlighting the special features of northern nature and the value of the region’s history and culture.
Vasatokka aims for the values of sustainable development to cross their operations, from educational work to procurement and maintenance of operating environments, as well as the operating methods of their staff and visitors. Vasatokka is committed to making their operations more environmentally friendly based on the Green-Key criteria and setting new environmental goals every year.
Youth and Holiday Center Vasatokka

Lapland North Destinations
Inari-Saariselkä Tourism Ltd is a regional organization that has began to achieve the sustainable travel destination status according to the criteria of Visit Finlands Sustainable Travel Finland programme. This status requires that at least 51% of our members are apart of the programme and achieves the goals according to the criteria of the programme.
We hope that you acknowledge the principles of sustainable travelling during your holiday.

Health safety is sustainability
During these times you also need to take responsibility of the travel safety. To keep your mind calm and yourself safe please remember to follow the guidelines and restrictions provided by the government and companies. That’s what we do here in the Inari-Saariselkä travel region – work in tourism and restaurants according to the valid travel safety guidelines.
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