Youth Center in Riutula, Inari. Vasatokka is located on the shores of Lake Muddusjärvi. The place has a colorful and interesting history that begins with the story of a children’s home from the early 20th century.

We offer services to all travelers, including large groups and individual travelers. Accommodation in hostel-level cell apartments and holiday cottages. Meals to order. Activities all year round. Our activities focus on nature and outdoor activities, we always move in activities with the power of our own body—open-air swimming in summer, sauna on request all year round.
The sports hall can also be reserved for independent exercise.

At Vasatokka you can organize all kinds of camps, events, parties, and meetings—ideas from customers, and implementation from us.
Using Vasatokka’s services, you support work for the benefit of children and young people.

Contact information

Youth Centre Vasatokka

Angelintie 696, 99870 Inari

+358 (0)400 670 561



Contact information

Youth Centre Vasatokka

Angelintie 696, 99870 Inari

+358 (0)400 670 561

