Here in the northernmost Lapland we have plenty of space for your to enjoy the vast open landscapes – to take deep breaths of the fresh and clean area. To relax and enjoy the freedom of time and space.
Tourist informations in the area
From the tourist information points you get information about all the services in the area as well as about the national parks and wilderness areas. Below you can find the contact information to each point in the area.
Tourist information, Saariselkä: Lutontie 16, 99830, Saariselkä Tel.+358 40 168 7838
Tourist information, Ivalo: Ivalontie 10, 99800, Ivalo Tel. +358 40 168 9668
Tourist information, Inari: Inarintie 46, 99870, Inari Tel.+358 40 168 9668
That’s what we do in the Inari-Saariselkä Region – in accordance with the health and safety guidelines of the tourism and restaurant industry for Lapland area.
The guidelines apply to the activities of the tourism and restaurant industry in the region in regards the international and domestic tourism as well as the local population.